reale mutua foto
reale mutua foto

Realise your future

Harness your talents and enhance your career opportunities

useful tips

Useful Tips

  1. Before registering on Welcome-in-one-click, make sure you have an active email address. You will need it to complete the registration.
  2. We recommend using a computer; it will be easier to create your profile. If you don't have one available, you can still use your mobile phone.
  3. Keep your fiscal code handy; you will be asked to enter it.
  4. Make sure you have a copy of your residence permit in PDF, JPEG, JPG, or PNG format saved on your PC or mobile phone. When creating your profile, you will be asked to upload it to the platform. It will remain confidential, and no one except UNHCR staff will be able to see it, only to verify that you are a refugee.
  5. If you have one, keep a copy of your CV in PDF format handy on your PC or mobile phone. It is not mandatory to upload your CV to the platform, but it is recommended: the companies to which you will apply can view it to further understand your profile.
  6. Furthermore, if you have a CV, we recommend keeping it handy to retrieve all the information about your work experiences and educational qualifications to enter when creating your profile on the platform.
  7. Read the informative notes carefully; they will guide you in correctly completing all sections.
  8. The platform automatically saves the information as you enter it. So, even if you exit the platform and then return, you will not lose the entered information. However, your profile will not be visible to companies until you have completed all the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) and saved your profile. 

The protagonists’ voices


Sandra - Addetta Area Food - IKEA


I love this job so much. All my colleagues are like a family. They help you, if there’s something I don’t understand they explain it to me, everyone gives a hand, so the work becomes easy and they do it from the heart, there’s no discrimination, nothing negative. I like it a lot.

angela revello

Valentina Revello - Social and integration worker - Arci Solidarietà



Joining this network immediately revealed the potential of collaboration between people and stakeholders: for us staff, it means having the opportunity to get to know and interact with excellent and highly-competent businesses; for the beneficiaries of these projects, it means accessing the labour market with dignity and respect for their rights, but above all in line with their own desires for professional and personal growth, strengthening the awareness of their own skills and abilities.


Mattia Minieri - International Division Manager - Tefin 


We undertook a social and business challenge to give the company ‘new lifeblood’, helping people to ‘start afresh’ and ‘reinvent’ themselves.

But we also considered the unquestionable value of ‘diversity’, which is necessary to remain competitive globally.

Angela Balducci cerchio

Angela Balducci - Sustainability Manager - Lavoropiù


Thanks to the program, more and more companies are recognizing the importance of an inclusive approach to work, in a socio-economic context characterized by persistent challenges such as xenophobia and racism. Promoting integration fuels innovation, enriches relationships, with a positive impact on tax revenue and the economy as a whole


Alessandro Borgialli - Director - Adecco Inclusion


As Adecco Inclusion, we strongly believe in the value of work as a tool for social inclusion. Day after day, we work to support the most vulnerable people by integrating or reintegrating them into the labour market, which is why we have chosen to join "Welcome-in-one-click". To make the world of work more and more inclusive.


The inclusion process

Registering with “Welcome In-one-click” will allow you to create your professional profile and enter all the information and skills you have acquired during your work experiences.

You will be able to apply for a job or a free training offer by yourself oppure on your own or with the help of the civil society organization specialized in job assistance, which is already supporting you on your labour inclusion pathway, provided it is part of WelcomeNet and registered on this platform.

Finally, the platform will be able to connect you with one of these organizations which, if available, may decide to follow and support you in your job search.

Participating companies